New Zealand Certificate in Ngā Toi (Level 4)

New Zealand Certificate in Ngā Toi (Level 4)

Kawai Raupapa: Certificate in Māori and Indigenous Art (Level 4)

Ngā Toi (Kawai Raupapa) level 4 provides a pathway for those seeking to further develop their toi skills and knowledge in one of the fields of Ngā Toi – Whakairo, Ngā mahi a te Whare Pora, Toi Ataata. 

Enrol for Invercargill
Enrol for Queenstown
Enrol via email
Key Details

Face to face 5 hours class 

20+ hours of study per week 

2x One Day Wananga (Saturday class – 10 hours) 

10x Noho (Weekend classes – Friday to Sunday – 25 hours)

Study Modes:
On Campus
To be advised – Please Enquire

Prepares tauira for contribution to ngā toi projects and develop their chosen kaupapa toi practice. Have the skills and knowledge to work in, or contribute to the toi sector, including supporting whanau, hapu, iwi, and hapori.

Tauira will be able to:

Select and apply creative processes, methods and techniques to create solutions for familiar problems in area of specialty

Compare the processes of others’ and explore artistic evolution and variation, to inform own art form practice in area of specialty

Create and complete Ngā Toi projects, under broad guidance and in accordance with project briefs, in area of specialty

Manage project briefs, under broad guidance, to produce Ngā Toi work.

Konae Ako 1 Overview: Toi Awe – Creative Process:  Akonga credited with this konae ako will apply solutions to creative processes to produce kaupapa toi creative work.

Konae Ako 2: Overview Toi Iro - Exploration:  Akonga credited with this konae ako will be able to compare the work of others to identify artistic variation and evolution.

Konae Ako 3: Overview Toi Raupapa - Organisation:  Akonga credited with this konae ako will be able to manage project briefs to produce creative work in a chosen kaupapa toi (area of specialty).

Konae Ako 4: Overview Toi Hanga - Creation:  Akonga credited with this konae ako will be able to create and complete creative work in a chosen kaupapa toi (area of toi specialty).

Face to face 5 hours class 

20+ hours of study per week 

2x One Day Wananga (Saturday class – 10 hours) 

10x Noho (Weekend classes – Friday to Sunday – 25 hours)

Suggested Courses